A message from a dark and light beta tester
The sun sets and moon rises takes your breath away, and makes you wish you were living in this world also. Little things like flowers, butterflies, and bunnies add to the realism of the game. You get very caught up in it also. I was flying on my dragon, trying to explore the ground, and I made a comment in chat about how the clouds kept getting in my way. It took me a second to realize what I had just said. Upset about dynamic clouds? Thats the last time I say that. There are many things in the game world just like that. The wavering of grass, waves and their movement, even being blown off coarse when flying on your glider.
The most exiting part though is the events that AD does with us. A recent one I participated in started for a dieing man calling for a long lost love, and ended with us bringing her back from the dead to see him. Little events like this happen throughout the tests with AD controlling the characters. Big ones that involve all the beta testers in big battles have happened too. Another one I recently did had several Darkies trying to cheat a man (A character played by a GM) out of his fortress, and almost succeeded until the lights came to rescue him. After a big battle the light ended victorious, but the man we were guarding didn't. After an event the story is sometimes written into Ganareths very own newspaper, its a newspaper that you can buy in towns!.